Friday, June 28, 2013

Plan B for Basil!

A lot of bad words were said today and the ones I didn't spew I just thought.  Every single one I know, I used either out loud or silently.

The basil has downy mildew.  The picture on the left was taken YESTERDAY.  We should have enough to fill a bathtub.  Gone in two days.

Son. of. a...

This is going to require a lot of diet Mountain Dew.  I might even spray it on the plants.  I think I will.  Maybe vanilla Oreos can help them too.  It's the crutch I'll be using for the next month.

Just last night on #seedchat I tweeted...
about how basil can grow from seed to harvest in 3 weeks during warm weather.  I have never been so thankful for social media.  I am breathing again but I might still puke.  More chemical crutches would be needed if that conversation had not sparked that memory.

You see, some varieties of basil don't get downy mildew.  In 3 weeks I can have basil!  Not the Genovese, but still basil.  The light-headedness has not completely cleared, but maybe by tomorrow when the seeds arrive, the dizziness will fade.

We also have a great crop of African Blue Basil.  With some nitrogen and some hedge clippers, I believe we will have that to use in a couple days.

It's not the end of the world.  Ha!  Who am I kidding?  This is a challenge that will be hard to overcome.  I will miss this basil like a family member.  I could give up my furniture and miss it less than this basil.

Send condolences.

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